Using Learning Packets for Instruction

Establish Expectations

  • Determine where and when learning packets will be distributed to students, such as during meal delivery or via mail, and how they will be returned to the teachers.
  • Create guidelines for teachers’ review of student learning, including regularity of the review, formative feedback delivery methods, and platforms to record students’ questions.
  • Consider ways to support student learning, such as differentiated work or exemplars/models.
  • Develop a communication protocol to connect families to students’ learning.
  • Design a weekly schedule to keep teachers, students and families informed and on track.

Learning Packets Considerations

Pen and paper
  • Focus only on the most critical learning targets.
  • Limit the number of problems to 10 or less on a page.
  • Include problems with varied levels of depth of knowledge.
  • Avoid overwhelming students by simplifying the arrangement of tasks on each page.
  • Provide detailed directions.
    • Consider creating videos to explain the assignment and link videos with a QR code.
  • Communicate how/if the material will be assessed.
    • How will the student receive feedback?
  • Establish ways to connect with students and their families.
    • How will the student communicate questions about the assignment and/or the feedback?
    • How will parents contact teachers for additional information?
  • Encourage daily opportunities for reading, writing, speaking, and listening.
  • Ideas for the content of the learning packets can be obtained from Academic Resources.