In an effort to help our Wayne County teachers in this unprecedented situation we are sharing a list of distance learning resources that are recommended by fellow educators. Some may fit into your curriculum. They may not follow state standards directly, but the content will be sound. Please keep in mind that this page will be updated regularly.
- Michigan Citizenship Collaborative Curriculum (MC3) K-12
- The MC3 curriculum is aligned to the content in the Michigan Social Studies Standards although with the recent revision of the standards in June/2019, much of the the coding (depending on the grade) is no longer accurate.
- NEWSELA Social Studies (K-12)
- Take the pain out of finding, differentiating, and matching high quality content to social studies standards with engaging and vetted texts, sourced from world-class content providers.
- GIANTS Curriculum (3-8)
- Curricular units include instructional strategies unique for teaching spatial thinking skills through the Arc of Inquiry, hands-on activities, literacy strategies, and best practices in both formative and summative assessment; units will be modeled at each session.
- MI Open Book Project (K-12)
- The MI Open Book Project is an initiative funded by the Technology Readiness Infrastructure Grant (TRIG) in which a group of master teachers collaborated and developed an open educational resource (OER) for classrooms around Michigan. It also allows teachers to customize the content to them and their students.
- Library of Congress
- The Library of Congress provides support for teaching with primary sources.
- National Archives
- This site includes educator resources and lessons using America’s Founding Documents.
- DocsTeach
- This online tool is intended to be used when teaching with documents from the National Archives.
- iCivics (5-12)
- iCivics exists to engage students in meaningful civic learning. This site provides teachers with well-written, inventive, and free resources that enhance their practice and inspire their classrooms.
- National Constitution Center (8-12)
- Using this site, students can learn about the text, history, and meaning of the U.S. Constitution.
- Engaging Congress (5-12)
- A great FREE digital civics interactive tool that uses primary sources to develop content knowledge, build critical thinking skills and expand analysis techniques all in the civics education arena. Modules are designed to be played in 30-40 minute increments and cover content in Civics, Government and U.S. History.
- Mindful Explorations (9-12)
- This site offers a series of virtual student experiences that turn six of our Mindful Exploration lessons into 40-minute online interactive modules.
- Time For Kids Magazine (K-6)
- Time provides free access to a library of grade-specific digital editions of TIME for Kids and Your $ financial literacy magazine.
- World History Digital Education (9-12)
- Resources/modules can be used for teaching students about the Covid-19 Pandemic.
- The Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History (5-12)
- The Gilder Lehrman Institute has compiled free history resources and remote learning opportunities for teachers, students, and the general public.
- Free Online Support for AP Students Affected by School Closure
- College Board has created a playlist of videos for each AP course in an effort to help students prepare for the online testing in May.
- MI Studies & Civics – Remote Learning Resources (3-12)
- The MI Supreme Court Learning Center has compiled resources to support teachers and students of all ages as they move to remote learning.
- The Constitutional Rights Foundation
- CRF is hosting weekly, free live webinars for elementary, middle and high school students. Each live lesson is interactive and self-contained that teachers can assign live and then follow up according to whatever is feasible for the teacher and students. In addition to live classes, they have created a new hub on their website of free Resources for Learning in the Time of COVID-19.