In an effort to help our Wayne County teachers in this unprecedented situation we are sharing a list of distance learning resources that are recommended by fellow educators. Some may fit into your curriculum. They may not follow state standards directly, but the content will be sound. Please keep in mind that this page will be updated regularly.
Recommended Times for Extending Math Instruction at Home
Pre-K - Grade 1
5-10 minutes / day
Grades 2-4
10-15 minutes / day
Grades 5-6
20 minutes / day
Middle and High School
30 minutes / day
Instructional Structure for Extending Math Learning at Home
Purpose: Children solve number problems mentally to develop mental math strategies for seeing quantity and working flexibly with numbers.
Problem Solving
Purpose: Children solve word problems or math tasks to deepen conceptual understanding of math concepts.
Purpose: Children can practice fluency or problem solving to reinforce previously taught concepts.
Resources to Promote Problem Solving
- Bank of Word Problems
- (K-5) – Look under the teachers’ names for lists of problems that contain familiar and interesting contexts. Pose one problem to the child. Give them the opportunity to use their own strategies to solve the problem. Afterward you might ask, “How did you solve it? Why did you solve it this way? Why does your strategy make sense? How can you show your thinking using a model? What equation represents your thinking? Is there another way to solve it?” The word problems can be printed. Check out a video of a kindergartner solving a word problem at home.
- SFUSD Mathematics
- READY TO USE (K-5)- SFUSD has produced 10 days of activities that teachers can choose to assign to students for them to complete at home. The stand-alone activities are designed for students to do on paper without technology and are available to all under the Creative Commons Attribution License. It also includes blended learning options. It includes English or Spanish versions.
- Mathematics K-8 Remote Learning Activities
- (K-8) – This Google site includes 4 weeks of remote learning activities aligned to grade level standards. It includes problem solving tasks and fluency items. The links can be shared with parents or the learning activities can be printed. An answer key is being developed collectively.
- Illustrative Math at Home
- (K-5) – Looking for ways to spark math discussions at home? Check out these slides that include images and questions you could ask children. Each image includes different grade-level-aligned questions. Slides are updated daily. It can be shared to Google classrooms or printed.
- Math Playground Thinking Blocks
- (K-6) -This site includes real world problems with visual prompts. Students can use interactive models to solve the problems. Click on the type of Thinking Blocks to access the problems. The Thinking Blocks can be shared to a Google Classroom.
- NCTM Illuminations (Lessons)
- (K-12) – This site includes lessons aligned to grade level that can be printed. In the search box, check off “lessons” and appropriate grade band. Then click “search”. All handouts are included.
- Bedtime Math
- (K-5) – Context based problems are posed daily on this site. Click the “Daily Math” tab in pink to access the problems. The problem can be printed or emailed to parents.
- Desmos Activities (3-5)
- Includes problem solving and practice opportunities. An account needs to be created, however it is free. Click the desired activity and hit “Student Preview”.
- Desmos Activities (6-8)
- Includes problem solving and practice opportunities aligned to the geometry standards. An account needs to be created, however it is free. Click the desired activity and hit “Student Preview”.
- Desmos Activities (6-8)
- Includes problem solving and practice opportunities aligned to the statistics standards. An account needs to be created, however it is free. Click the desired activity and hit “Student Preview”.
- Desmos Activities (6-8)
- Includes problem solving and practice opportunities aligned to the early algebra standards. An account needs to be created, however it is free. Click the desired activity and hit “Student Preview”.
- TUVA (3-12)
- The Tuva tools enable students to easily explore and manipulate data to create their own graphs and charts. They promote conceptual understanding of important mathematical and statistical concepts and ideas. An account needs to be created to access 15 free lessons.
- Mathalicous (6-12)
- Real-world lessons from Mathalicious help middle and high school teachers address the Michigan Math Standards while challenging their students to think critically about the world. Includes some free lessons. An account needs to be created to access one month free trial. The student handouts can be printed.
Resources to Promote Fluency or Practice Concepts
- Number Talk (K-12)
- A Number Talk develops fluency. The website contains dot images that can be printed along with number problem examples. For a dot image, flash the image for 3 seconds and ask, “How many dots? How did you see it?” Then show them the image to have students check. See the video to further understand dot images. For a number problem, pose a number problem aligned to the child’s grade level. Have the child solve it mentally and have them explain their thinking. See the video of a first grader solving 16+12 mentally.
- Khan Academy (K-12)
- What is Khan Academy? We offer exercises, quizzes, and tests so students can practice and master skills. This resource will help students focus on ACT and SAT prep. It includes tutorials and practice questions.
- NCTM Illuminations (Interactives) (K-12)
- Interactive games, played online, used to support a wide variety of mathematics content. In the search box, check off “interactives” and appropriate grade band. Then click “search”.
- Bedtime Math (K-5)
- Aims to engage parents and children in short math activities with the goal of reducing math anxiety for both parents and kids. Click the “Games at Home” tab in orange to access the activities. The activities can be printed.
- Math Learning Center (PreK-5)
- The Math Learning Center (MLC) is providing free resources for all students to use independently or with support from family members or educators. Each grade level includes fun daily math activities, printable practice pages, family games, and online games. Please share with anyone who needs accessible and free resources. No login or registration required.
- Math Recovery Games (K-5)
- This website includes short video tutorials of fun math games that can be played at home.
- K-5 Math Teaching Resources (K-5)
- This packet was designed to support in-school learning at home. It includes 5 instructional activities for each grade level. Each activity include materials, instructions, possible questions to ask children and suggestions for adjusting the activity to meet the child’s needs. It can be downloaded and printed.
- Building Conceptual Understanding and Fluency Through Games from North Carolina (K-5)
- Games provide students with opportunities to explore fundamental number concepts, such as the counting sequence, one-to-one correspondence, and computation strategies. The activities can be printed and require minimal tools. Click the grade level to access the games: Kindergarten, First Grade, Second Grade, Third Grade, Fourth Grade, & Fifth Grade.
- Dreambox Learning (K-8)
- An adaptive, online K-8 math program. Children engage in an interactive tutorial and are given practice problems aligned to their level. An account needs to be created. It is offering a 90 day free trial of DreamBox to support families, which is good through April 30, 2020.
- Freckle Math (K-9)
- Freckle offers over 50,000 math questions covering K-9 standards. Students start off with a diagnostic, and after that, they show them problems at their own skill level. It includes real-world lessons that allow students to discover math concepts through real-world scenarios. An account needs to be created to access the free lessons.
- Khan Academy – SAT Prep (10-12)
- This resource will help students focus on ACT and SAT prep. It includes tutorials and practice questions.
Interactive Math Tools
- Math Learning Center Apps (K-5)
- Includes interactive visual models for fractions, geometry, time, money, and number sense. (For example, counters, ten-frames, base-ten blocks, bead racks, fraction circles, etc.)
- Desmos (6-12)
- Include an online graphing calculator along with integrated lesson.
- Virtual Manipulatives (K-12)
- The Virtual Manipulatives are a great way to enhance at-home learning.